Busting Myths About Myofascial Release!

Have you ever heard someone say the phrase “No Pain, No Gain”?

Hey HealthyHips Community! This is Iysha, CEO and Founder, here to bust myths about Myofascial Release!

First off, what exactly is Myofascial Release?

Myofascial Release, MFR for short, is a therapeutic intervention that targets the fascia (soft connective tissue) to:

  • improve circulation & tissue hydration

  • improve mobility/range of motion

  • re-organize (release) adhesions/scar tissue

  • reduce chronic pain

  • improve tissue health and pliability

MFR techniques can be done on your own with the use of tools or therapy balls, OR it can be performed by a bodywork professional, such as an RMT.

MYTH #1:

It has to hurt to work

A common misconception of MFR is that it has to HURT to WORK. Or that you have to be feeling and experiencing intense sensation for the release or exercise to be effective — “no pain, no gain”.

This is simply not true, and in fact quite the opposite is true! The slower, more subtle, “less is more” techniques often times yield more lasting and long-term results.

Intensity ≠ Effectiveness

Yes, during some MFR practices (especially Trigger Point Release), you might experience sensation that feels like “tolerable discomfort” — similar to when an RMT is getting out that pesky knot in your shoulder!

However you should NOT be experiencing such intense sensation that you…

🙅‍♂️ Stop breathing / catch your breath

🙅‍♂️ Clench your jaw or feel like you have to “bear down” to get through the exercise

🙅‍♂️ Tense your hands (clenched fists)

MYTH #2:

MFR is “Loosening” Your Fascia

Fascia is inherently tensile & has elastic recoil capacity.

Fascia isn’t really meant to be “loose” — because it’s what holds us together and keeps us upright!

Composed of collagen and elastin — gram for gram, type 1 collagen is stronger than steel (when in optimal condition)

Some professionals have even debated whether or not we should call the practice Myofascial “Release”, so as not to create confusion (although, I would respectfully argue that the name is ok, because through MFR work we can address and *release* Trigger Points, and also *release* emotions stored in the tissues)

The mechanical purpose of MFR is to restore tissue pliability and hydration, as well as manually release Trigger Points and reduce tissue hypertonicity. This comes with the nervous system benefit of stimulating the many many mechano-sensitive receptors that live within the fascia.

According to the definition provided by the journal of bodywork and movement therapies:

“Fascia is considered to be the soft tissue component of the connective tissue system that penetrates AND surrounds the muscles, the bones, the organs, the nerves, the blood vessels, and other structures, that extends from head to toe, from front to back, from surface to deep in an uninterrupted and 3 dimensional web.”

🌸 Want to learn more?! Join our 4 week HealthyHips in-person program this Spring 🌸 Details below ⬇️

What type of balls should be used for MFR?

A dense foam ball should be used for self myofascial release practices. The two types of rubber balls that are recommended are either the High-Bounce Pinky Ball that can be found on Amazon HERE, or Tune Up Fitness Balls which are available for purchase from the HealthyHips Prop Shop — see Add To Cart link below.

Tune Up Balls
Sale Price: $22.00 Original Price: $25.00

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