My 3 favourite ways to use an inflatable ball
What is an inflatable therapy ball?
An inflatable therapy ball is an invaluable self-care tool with many therapeutic uses. The best thing about an inflatable therapy ball is that it’s very safe to use - giving you the freedom and ability to explore movement and releases in your own body with this tool without having too worry about too many contraindications. Read on to see my 3 favourite ways to use this amazing self-care tool!
#1: Low Back and SI Joint Decompression
A tried and true way to reduce low back pain and decompress the back of the pelvis.
Inflate the therapy ball to approximately 15-20% of it's full capacity (less is more!)
Lie down on your back with the knees bent and feet on the mat. Place the therapy ball directly underneath the sacrum. Option to bring the knees to touch one another (constructive rest pose) if more comfortable this way.
Stay like this and rest for 3-5 minutes.
#2: Abdominal & Psoas Massage
This use is an important one! Massaging the abdomen is highly underrated and quite honestly simply a forgotten about area of the body to massage/release! The abdominal muscles play an extremely important role in supporting the pelvis and low back. Massaging this area can also help to breakdown scar tissue and adhesions, such as from a previous abdominal surgery or c-section (please always consult your GP before engaging in these activities if you have a history of abdominal surgeries).
Start with the therapy ball only inflated to 30-40% of it’s full capacity (adjust inflation as needed, less or more).
#3: Rib + Shoulder Mobility / Chest Decompression
This is a fun and exploratory use of an inflatable therapy ball! Try inflating the ball to 100% and placing it under the upper ribcage (chest) area. From there, stabilize yourself with one arm, and try a few shoulder mobility exercises with the other arm! Move and play until you feel some relief and mobility gains, then switch sides.