3 Simple Somatic Movement Exercises for Tight Hips
Read below to learn about 3 somatic movement exercises that help to release stiffness, tension and pain from the hips! Somatic movements are therapeutic, gentle, and effective.
Please move slowly 😊
Slow and intentional movement is key to yield results. These exercises are simple enough that you can do them from your bed, or from an exercise mat if preferred.
Prone Pelvic Rocking
Begin by lying down on your belly with the legs straight. Start to rock the pelvis side to side at a quick pace, as if you’re a dog wagging it’s tail. Maintain this quicker rocking motion until it starts to feel like momentum is taking you through the movement, with less effort involved. Rock the pelvis for 2-3 minutes while breathing deeply, then rest in stillness.
2. Supine Butterfly Open/Close
Begin by lying down on your back with the knees bent and feet on the ground, roughly 1 foot apart from each other. Roll onto the outer edges of the feet as you let the knees fall open to either side (the soles of the feet will remain slightly apart the entire time). Follow this by lifting your knees back up to the starting position. Repeat 8-10x.
3. Supine Wind Wipers
Begin by lying down on your back with the knees bent and feet on the ground. Gently, slowly, and lazily rock the knees from side to side. Start with a smaller movement, then gradually increase your range (if desired). Stay with this movement for 2 minutes, then rest.